Jet Taking Off

On August 1 2019, we told our readers/followers that Plane-ly Spoken was coming in for a landing as the Aviation Team packed its luggage (and boxes) and re-located to a new airport.  Well, both the Aviation Team and Plane-ly Spoken have landed, taxied to the gate and unloaded our belongings.  And so, the Fox Rothschild Aviation Team welcomes you back on-board.

In the weeks ahead, we’ll have updates on the wonderful world of drones, the controversies generated as a result of the certification of the 737 Max, the very latest dealing with miniature horses (and other animals) on aircraft and a whole host of subjects addressed in the distinctive manner of Plane-ly Spoken.

So . . . sit back, buckle up and let’s get ready to takeoff for our first flight with a new paint scheme!